Penn Valley Vineyards
Do Wine and Flying ever mix? Well, perhaps not...but flying Drones over Penn Valley
Vineyards is a great combination. With Alex West of Chase International Real Estate, and his
Client Jason, we embarked on a beautiful journey covering over 400 Acres of prime working land,
and explored 8 unique and stunning home sites. "We flew the Drone as far as the eye could
see" remarked VREN Director of Photography Steve Mitchell. " It was more stunning then Alex
had described, and between the hi rez stills and the motion video, I think we captured the a
sense of the enormity and lush beauty of the site." The half day shoot will result in a two-three
minute video that will reach clients world wide. "For a better tour you would have to see this
property in person." The property is listed for a modest 10 million, so get your closest eight
friends together, as it may go fast.